Talk presented by Rudolf Burkhalter
Parallel Session: QCD Spectrum and Quark Masses I
Tuesday June 29th, 14.50 - 15.10, Auditorium
$\eta\prime$ mass and topology in QCD with two light flavors
Abstract: We present results on a calculation of the mass of the $\eta\prime$ meson in full QCD with two flavors of light quarks using an RG-improved gauge action and a tadpole-improved SW quark action. Calculations are done at four different lattice spacings and four values of the sea quark mass corresponding to $m_{\rm PS}/m_{\rm V} \sim 0.8$--0.6. We compare our results with a corresponding calculation in quenched QCD. In the same calculations we also investigate topological quantities and their dependence on the sea quark mass.
Massimo Campostrini,