Talk presented by Shinichi Horata
Parallel Session: Gravity and Random Surfaces
Friday July 2nd, 15.50 - 16.10, Room 6
Phase Transition of 4D Simplicial Quantum Gravity with U(1) gauge fields
Abstract: The phase transition of 4D simplicial quantum gravity coupled to $U(1)$ gauge fields is studied using Monte-Carlo simulations. The phase transition of the dynamical triangulation model with vector fields ($N_{V} \ge 1$) is smooth as compared with the pure gravity($N_{V}=0$). The node susceptibility $\chi$ is studied for the finite size systems. At the critical point, the double peak of the node distribution disappears and the curvature correlations appear to fall off like a power. From the numerical results, we expect that 4D simplicial quantum gravity with $U(1)$ vector fields($N_V \ge 1$) has higher order phase transition than 1st order, which means the possibility to take the continuum limit at the phase transition point.
Massimo Campostrini,