Talk presented by Nilmani Mathur
Parallel Session: Matrix Elements I
Tuesday June 29th, 17.40 - 18.00, Auditorium
Proton Spin Content from Lattice QCD
Abstract: We calculate the quark energy momentum tensor form factor and thereby extract the quark orbital angular momentum in the nucleon. The calculation is done on a quenched $16^3 \times 24$ lattice at $\beta = 6.0$ with Wilson fermions and with $\kappa$ = 0.148, 0.152, 0.154 and 0.155. We estimate the disconnected insertion stochastically which employs the $Z_2$ noise with an unbiased subtraction. This proves to be an effective method to reduce the error. From our result it is also possible to deduce the gluon spin contribution.
Massimo Campostrini,